Za artikal tekstilne patosnice za Mercedes S Klasa 2013-2025 važeća je nova, niža cena za online poručivanje.
Naziv artikla: Tekstilne patosnice za Mercedes S Klasa 2013-2025
Šifra artikla: CL00238
Proizvođač: Carline
Zemlja porekla: Srbija
4.180 рсд Originalna cena je bila: 4.180 рсд.2.780 рсдTrenutna cena je: 2.780 рсд.
Tipske tepih tekstilne patosnice za Mercedes S Klasa 2013-2025 za koje je važeća nova niža cena u našoj prodavnici predstavljaju vrhunsku zaštitu unutrašnjosti vašeg vozila prilagođenu specifičnim dimenzijama proizvođača automobila. Preciznost izrade ovih patosnica je u potpunosti identičan originalnim patosnicama i savršeno se uklapa u Vaš automobil. Dizajn patosnica sa svojom strukturiranom površinom, pruža udobno i sigurno držanje za vaša stopala i sprečavaju klizanje.
Tipske tepih patonice ORIGINAL III, garnitura prednjih i zadnjih. Patosnice se siju po sablonima za svaki tip vozila.
Specifikacija materijala: polypropilen 100%, uk. debljina 6mm ± 10%, uk. tezina 1850gr/m² ± 10%.
Pozadina nepromociva, izradjena od gumenog granulata tezine 1200gr/m²± 10%.
Patosnice za auto su izrađene pažljivo od izabranih materijala prve klase.
Patosnice za Mercedes S Klasa 2013-2025 koje poručite u našoj radnji šaljemo u roku od 24-72h.
Prednost tepih (tekstilnih) patosnica je savršeno uklapanje u postojeći prostor Vašeg automobila. Samim tim izgled u kabini će biti dosta lepši za razliku od robusnih gumenih patosnica. Sveprisutna prašina u kolima je veliki problem prilikom eksploatacije i ove tepih patosnice za Mercedes S Klasa se veoma lako čiste istresanjem ili pranjem gornje površine. Imaju svojstva protiv klizanja, osiguravajući da ostanu na mestu, čime se povećava bezbednost i za vozača i za putnike.
AMG S 63 (222.187), Year of Construction 05.2017 – …, 3982 ccm, 612 hp
AMG S 63 4-matic+ (222.188), Year of Construction 05.2017 – …, 3982 ccm, 612 hp
S 300 BlueTEC Hybrid / h (222.104, 222.004), Year of Construction 02.2014 – 05.2017, 2143 ccm, 231 hp
S 320 3.0 (222.162), Year of Construction 05.2014 – …, 2996 ccm, 272 hp
S 320 EQ Boost (222.150), Year of Construction 08.2018 – …, 1991 ccm, 299 hp
S 320 EQ Boost (222.156), Year of Construction 05.2020 – …, 2999 ccm, 299 hp
S 350 (222.155), Year of Construction 09.2017 – …, 2996 ccm, 313 hp
S 350 BlueTEC / d (222.132, 222.032, 222.123), Year of Construction 05.2013 – 05.2017, 2987 ccm, 258 hp
S 350 BlueTEC 3.0 4-matic (222.033, 222.133), Year of Construction 02.2014 – 05.2017, 2987 ccm, 258 hp
S 350 BlueTEC 3.0 4-matic (222.133), Year of Construction 02.2014 – 05.2017, 2987 ccm, 252 hp
S 350 d (222.020, 222.120), Year of Construction 07.2017 – …, 2925 ccm, 286 hp
S 350 d 2.9 4-matic (222.021, 222.121), Year of Construction 05.2017 – …, 2925 ccm, 286 hp
S 350 d 4-matic (222.121), Year of Construction 07.2018 – …, 2925 ccm, 249 hp
S 400 (222.165), Year of Construction 03.2014 – 05.2017, 2996 ccm, 333 hp
S 400 4-matic (222.067, 222.167), Year of Construction 11.2014 – 05.2017, 2996 ccm, 333 hp
S 400 d (222.034, 222.134), Year of Construction 07.2017 – …, 2925 ccm, 340 hp
S 400 d 2.9 4-matic (222.035, 222.135), Year of Construction 05.2017 – …, 2925 ccm, 340 hp
S 400 Hybrid / h (222.057, 222.157), Year of Construction 05.2013 – 05.2017, 3498 ccm, 306 hp
S 400 Maybach 4-matic (222.967), Year of Construction 01.2015 – 05.2017, 2996 ccm, 333 hp
S 450 (222.066, 222.166), Year of Construction 02.2017 – …, 2996 ccm, 367 hp
S 450 4-matic (222.064, 222.164, 222.964), Year of Construction 02.2017 – …, 2996 ccm, 367 hp
S 450 EQ Boost (222.158, 222.058), Year of Construction 07.2017 – …, 2999 ccm, 367 hp
S 450 EQ Boost 4-matic (222.059, 222.159), Year of Construction 07.2017 – …, 2999 ccm, 367 hp
S 450 Maybach 4-matic (222.964), Year of Construction 09.2017 – …, 2996 ccm, 367 hp
S 450 Maybach EQ Boost 4-matic (222.959), Year of Construction 03.2020 – …, 2999 ccm, 367 hp
S 500 (222.082, 222.182), Year of Construction 09.2013 – …, 4663 ccm, 435 hp
S 500 4.7 (222.082, 222.182), Year of Construction 05.2013 – 05.2017, 4663 ccm, 455 hp
S 500 4.7 (222.182), Year of Construction 06.2014 – 05.2017, 4663 ccm, 460 hp
S 500 4.7 4-matic (222.085, 222.185), Year of Construction 05.2013 – 05.2017, 4663 ccm, 455 hp
S 500 4-matic (222.169), Year of Construction 11.2017 – …, 2999 ccm, 435 hp
S 500 4-matic (222.185), Year of Construction 09.2013 – 05.2017, 4663 ccm, 435 hp
S 500 EQ Boost (222.060, 222.160), Year of Construction 07.2017 – …, 2999 ccm, 435 hp
S 500 EQ Boost 4-matic (222.169), Year of Construction 09.2019 – …, 2999 ccm, 435 hp
S 500 Hybrid / e (222.163), Year of Construction 07.2014 – 05.2017, 2996 ccm, 442 hp
S 500 Maybach 4.7 (222.982), Year of Construction 12.2014 – 05.2017, 4663 ccm, 455 hp
S 500 Maybach 4-matic (222.984), Year of Construction 09.2015 – 05.2017, 3996 ccm, 422 hp
S 500 Maybach 4.7 4-matic (222.985), Year of Construction 04.2015 – 05.2017, 4663 ccm, 455 hp
S 500 Maybach 4.7 (222.982), Year of Construction 12.2014 – 05.2017, 4663 ccm, 460 hp
S 560 (222.083, 222.183), Year of Construction 07.2017 – …, 3982 ccm, 469 hp
S 560 4.0 4-matic (222.086, 222.186), Year of Construction 05.2017 – …, 3982 ccm, 469 hp
S 560 e (222.173), Year of Construction 10.2018 – …, 2996 ccm, 476 hp
S 560 Maybach (222.983), Year of Construction 07.2017 – …, 3982 ccm, 469 hp
S 560 Maybach 4.0 4-matic (222.986), Year of Construction 07.2017 – …, 3982 ccm, 469 hp
S 600 6.0 (222.176), Year of Construction 02.2014 – …, 5980 ccm, 530 hp
S 600 Maybach 6.0 (222.976), Year of Construction 12.2014 – 11.2018, 5980 ccm, 530 hp
S 63 AMG (222.077), Year of Construction 01.2014 – 05.2017, 5461 ccm, 591 hp
S 63 AMG (222.077, 222.177), Year of Construction 05.2013 – 05.2017, 5461 ccm, 585 hp
S 63 AMG 5.5 4-matic (222.178), Year of Construction 05.2013 – 05.2017, 5461 ccm, 585 hp
S 65 AMG 6.0 (222.179), Year of Construction 02.2014 – …, 5980 ccm, 630 hp
S 650 Maybach (222.980), Year of Construction 07.2017 – …, 5980 ccm, 630 hp
Carline patosnice za Mercedes S Klasa 2013-2025, domaćeg proizvođača su izradjene od izuzetno kvalitetnog materijala koji se koristi prilikom izrade originalnih patosnica. Patosnice se siju po sablonima za svaki tip vozila pojedinacno. Materijal je dostupan u crnoj boji.. Materijali koji se koriste prilikom obrade su čvrsti i izdržljivi tako da prostirke savršeno stoje na podu ili prtljažniku svakog automobila.